I'm going to try weaving.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Caitlin is like my fibre drug dealer. She's like "what you haven't tried weaving yet?!! It's so good, here let me give you a tiny little DIY weaving thing and you can get hooked like the rest of us". Well it's probably going to work. Anything that involves fibre I tend to get addicted to. Fibre-addict. 

This is the little weaving thing. She just hammered some nails into an ol' board of wood and set it up for me. That wool is a ball of merino hand spun/hand dye that I did a while back. We'll see how this whole weaving thing goes. I'll get back to you! 

My goal for the next while is to try new forms of crafting. I have a couple plans in mind... but I think I'm going to keep them secret. :-P 

Over a thousand favourites!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I'm pretty much totally thrilled! 

All About Love, a new shawl pattern!

Sunday, 25 March 2012
It's taken me forrrrrever to get this pattern posted! But it is! It's been up for 24hours and it already has over 600 favourites! It's #1 on hot right now! 

Free pattern!

Thanks to Caitlin for taking the top photograph and for modelling in the bottom one! 

Love love love! 

Finished the crescent shawl

Thursday, 15 March 2012
but I can't block the thing properly. I left all my blocking wires and pins at home... I got it wet though and lied it flat to dry and it's looking satisfactorily! I'm pretty happy that this thing is done!

Does the garter top look too roll-y? Ah well, I am not ripping this damn thing back again. 

Shawl pattern coming soon! 


Mini Rasta! Rastita! 

Designing a neck thing to display the lovely colours in this yarn! It's soft felted and light and squishy and it's... it's... Malabrigo! 

That shawl and a cat bed.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012
I haven't been really able to use my brain for anything knitting-related recently... but I decided today that I would pick up my new shawl design prototype and knit the damn thing!

Yesterday I spent all day at Baaad Anna's wet felting!

Nicola taught me and few other cool cats how to make felted bowls/cat houses. 

This is what it looked like! (the blue/grey ended up being in the inside)

Here's what it looks like now:

It needs a bit more felting... the inside needs some felting love. It was supposed to look like this: 

Which you can buy for $60 from here!

My temporary home

Monday, 12 March 2012
There is a distinct lack of knitted wall hangings here. 

That red shawl thing... and my circular needle inventory/library.

Friday, 9 March 2012
I have ripped it out and started re-knitting it seven times. I am on my eighth and I am feeling hopeful. 

Also, here is what my circular needle library looks like: 

In theory when I am using a set of needles I will mark on it the date and what project I am using them for... so I can find them again if I need them. Cross it off when they're free again. 

I don't know why I have so many 4.5mms. Honestly, it's confusing. I can't even think of anything that calls for a 4.5mm needle that I've knit before. Sigh. 


Thursday, 8 March 2012
So. Me, Caitlin, and Nicola have the privilege to test-knit a new Malabrigo yarn!
It's called Rastita, (also known as mini-rasta) 

We're all designing fun things out of it! Nicola is going to be doing a beret/hat-like thing! Caitlin is knitting wrist warmers or leg warmers or a big bow possibly! I am planning on doing something lovely for around your neck! To display the lovely colours! 

We're all so excited we could puke. 


How to block the shit out of things

Thursday, 8 March 2012
Click the image to make it bigger! 

Staff day at Baaad Anna's!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Nicola is so lovely! Also, she is flicking raw wool. 

Amy flick carding some raw wool! 

We silkscreened all the things!

Blocking pins!

Nicola and her blocking Juneberry Triangle! 

Nicola flicking some raw wool from last year's Maplewood farms sheep shearing festival

Anna flicking some raw wool! 

I love when people knit my patterns!

Monday, 5 March 2012
Especially when they include pugs. Pugs and knitting, really two of my favourite things. 

Here's a the Triangle Cowl for Tiny Creatures knit up by amylbri for her sweet little pug

The project page can be found here!!

We've been watching too much Buffy on netflix

Sunday, 4 March 2012
I missed out on watching Buffy when I was a kid. All of my friends were Buffy fans and I was so stubbornly uninterested. LITTLE DID I KNOW when I hit 22 I would get a netflix account and become embarrassingly addicted to all things Joss Whedon. 

This is what happens to me and my husperson on a regular basis. 

Just add a little drool and knitting and blamo us 90% of the time. 

I'm on my fourth re-knit

Sunday, 4 March 2012
I'm finally finished (I hope) working out all of the kinks for this lovely red belly short row crescent shawl (which actually doesn't have a name yet). Here's a photo of Caitlin modelling the previous incarnation of this damn thing. The almost-twelve-feet-long version. Which I frogged. I'm not bitter. It was my own fault. I arrogantly did not swatch. I apparently don't walk my gauge-swatching talk. ANYWAY.

I will post photos of the fourth re-knit when I'm finished it. 

Magic happened

Friday, 2 March 2012
Me and Caitlin are knitting masterminds of the yarn world. 

I will keep you updated... 

We're waiting for stage two of our wool-wrapped plan to arrive in the mail.


Also, may I remind you how much I love Malabrigo

A lot. I love Malabrigo a lot. 

Gonna frog it, knit it again!

Thursday, 1 March 2012
So this was the thing I was working on. A crescent shawl, worked with short rows and a lace border. It would have been awesome, but somehow I managed to calculate it wrong and end up with twelve feet worth of shawl (as opposed to the 6 or so feet I was looking for). Good news is: I get to re-knit it! And other good news is that I get to work out some kinks on the re-knit!

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