Oh I have SO much knitting to do! So instead I'm going to write a blog post about all the sweater drama I have had in my short sweater-knitting life!
My history of sweaters!
The first sweater I ever knit I didn't do a gauge swatch on. I got it wet to block it (lie it flat to dry) and it stretched so much it wouldn't even stay on my shoulders. I totally quit knitting for like a week I was so mad.
I'm just so stoked with myself. Poor pre-blocked me.
I'm looking so hopeful here! Little did I know... blocking was about to happen.
The sweater was out of Malabrigo sock - which is gorgeous! But it's superwash and it's got no nylon content to spring it back... so goodbye adorable sweater!
There are no photos of the big baggy thing post block.
The second sweater I did I did a gauge swatch! I was so proud of myself! I did a few and thought I was all smart because I even got my swatch wet and lied it flat to dry because "that's what I'm going to do with my sweater when I'm done!"
The thing I hadn't put into consideration is that when you're a 2x (and probably any size for that matter) the weight of the sweater is usually pretty heavy. You've got four or five skeins of yarn on there and it could weight like, 500grams.
When you get that wet it stretches itself to hell. It doesn't matter if you're lying it flat to dry, the step from removing the sweater out of the water and onto the towel will stretch it out.
I took some photos of the finished product - because it technically did stay on my body - but it wasn't a very good fit on my frame.
You can see the same problem again - the shoulders weren't staying on because the back piece had stretched out so much!

All the gather of fabric is to keep it staying on my body. It just slipped off my shoulders the whole time.
Okay Third try worked out pretty well.
I knit a sweater for an ex boyfriend - but we broke up. Big surprise there...
*cough* sweater curse *cough*
Of course the one sweater I knit that actually turns out awesomely is knit for someone else.
Oh god.. I don't think this quite counts...
Then FINALLY I figured out that my gauge in time for the fourth sweater. My gauge is loose and sad and I need to actually step down quite a few needle sizes to get good sweater style gauge and I quickly whipped up this beautiful thing.
I'm a big dork in this photo!
The pattern didn't come in my size so I had to do some modifications but it just turned out really well and I still wear it (although it needs some mending now).
Okay so on to the newest of the sweaters.
This is a sweater I started after I had been dumped last fall. It's my sad feelings-autumn is hard-I wish I had a fall sweater-sweater!
From fall to fall sweater out of Briggs & Little worsted.

Is it a hat? Is it a sweater? Knitting and chatting at my office (Bump N Grind Coffee on Commercial Drive!)
I have notoriously ridiculous sweater gauge. Here's me being like "IT'LL FIT RIGHT? IT'LL FIT?"
Here's a photo of me trying to fit into a child's sweater. "It says ages 2 and up!"
Oh I love this yarn. you can really see the tweedy loveliness of it here!
FINISHED! Hey look, the left sleeve has some discolouration on it? Gee I wonder why? Maybe it's because I ran out of yarn and was too lazy to go back to the yarn store to buy more so I just used a bit of Brooklyn Tweed Shelter that I had lying around. It's cute right? A design feature! Not a mistake...