Photos from the crawl

Friday, 16 November 2012

So none of these are photos of my knitted things, but they are of stuff that happened at the crawl! 

This was a knuckle game where people wrote on one hand each and all sorts of funny stuff came up. 

Don't mess with these punks.


STOP mansplaining things to me! alypatch

All the lovely alypatches!

The Crawl is here!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Hi folks, remember when I said I was going to post every day up until the Culture Crawl started... well that didn't happen. I'm still going to be selling my knitwear and patterns and some buttons there though! Come check me out at the Mergatroid building Suite 260! 

I got interviewed on Crafty Living!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Thanks Lara for the fun interview! 

Take a listen here! 

Culture Crawl Prep!!!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Holy smokes my brain has been exploding. I'm spending so much time knitting and prepping for this lovely event! 

Here's some photos of one of the many pieces I'll be selling.

This is the Lonely Tree shawl knit out of Galway Chunky yarn. I used three balls and you can see the project page here if you are interested in following my directions. 

I'll be selling this for $175, but if you want it, just mention this post and I'll give it to you for $20 off!

More photos of the stuff I'm selling to come! 

I did a different edging than the published pattern. No picot bumps! 

Vanity. Srsly. 

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