I hit 3,000!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012
3,000 favourites on my lonely tree shawl! Yay! Yay! Yay! That's the most faves I've had on anything ever. Like not even just knitting, I don't think 3,000 people have liked anything that I've done. This is the most acceptance I've ever gotten! Yay! 

The rest of Knit City!

Monday, 15 October 2012

This was actually the first day... the massess of folk waiting to come in!

Here are some photos of some of the amazing vendors! It was so great to meet everyone! 

Then Caitlin and me taught a class on how to knit triangle shawls! 

Finished tiny shawl! 

Day 1 at Knit City!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

So, so, so much happened today. It's so lovely to be around such amazing fibre and such amazing people! Today was really a lovely day. 

Some highlights:

Seeing the original Georgia from Jane Richmond and having Jane Richmond sign my copy of her new book!

Meeting Liz Abinate and getting to touch the original Travelling woman shawl! 

Also, I had all my Baaad Anna's ladies wearing Lonely Tree Shawls! Even tiny Josh got one of my tiny versions of the Lonely Tree! Thanks to Ginny for taking the photo :) 

I had a good time! See you tomorrow! 

A quick blog post after Knit City's Kick Off Party.

Friday, 12 October 2012
Tonight was rad. There was a lot of stuff happening, here's just a wee bit! 

On the bill tonight were two really amazing speakers, Kim Werker and Sylvia Olson

They were both vibrant and fascinating and lovely! 

Kim Werker got me wanting to try out crocheting! No srsly I do now. 

knitting happening on break!

Sylvia Olson talked about the History of Cowichan sweaters. Which is endlessly fascinating! 

I had a great night! And maybe a few drinks :) 

Hopefully I will see you all tomorrow at Knit City!  

Knit city is here!

Friday, 12 October 2012
Hey folks, Knit City is finally upon us! I want to encourage all of you to come introduce yourselves to me if you see me :) I'm horrible with names and even worse with faces but I still want to meet you! I will be at the Baaad Anna's table from 2:30 til close Saturday and from 3:30 til close on Sunday. I'm the plump six foot tall one with a septum piercing... not to be mistaken with the slender six foot tall woman with a septum piercing who is Caitlin. She will be at the We Will Tell You All Of Our Secrets booth right next to the Baaad Anna's one. 

I am so thrilled to be able to be part of such an amazing knit event. The gals at Knit Social have really made my knit-life better and so so vibrant! Thank you two muchly!

See you all there! 

Heavily blocked lace knitting + spray paint = awesome

Thursday, 11 October 2012

A better photograph of it. God. So Cool. 

I'm selling these. If anyone wants to buy them they're sliding scale $35-$50. 
Pintrest colours coming soon (robin's egg, mustard, white)

The Lonely Tree finally fell from #1

Thursday, 11 October 2012

S'all good. It was up there for a record 12 days on the front page of "hot right now" 

And I just checked... it's only dropped to page 3. It's nearing 4,000 favourites too! 

Totally magic! 

Sometimes I have really cool ideas.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012
I'm just figuring out how to make this look a bit better - but I made a lacy swatch and then bought some canvases and then I used the swatch as a spray paint stencil! Here's a sneak peek at the results... 

It was late and dark when I took this picture. Quality is kinda awful.

I'm going to be selling this stuff at The Culture Crawl in November at The Purple Thistle Centre, and also at Crafts For A Cause on December 1st at Rhizome Cafe. I will be working a bit more heavily on this kind of art after Knit City! Which is THIS WEEKEND. Ohmygod.

The other day...

Friday, 5 October 2012
The other day I went on a tiny boat for fun! It was such a beautiful day and me and aly cruised around false creek on a tiny boat! 

 aly is such a babe. 
 She took a photo of me in a knitted thing (which I will be putting on ravelry in the next couple of days)
 Knitting on a boat! 
 The view... sort of. 

New pattern!

Thursday, 4 October 2012


Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Oh my god it's so close to happening! 

I'm teaching a class - Which you can still register for! 

Look, I'm prepping by knitting tiny shawls! This one is a tiny version of the Lonely Tree Shawl

Such pretty Malabrigo... and more things!

Monday, 1 October 2012
We got some new Malabrigo in at Baaad Anna's yarn store...  

 Some Worsted weight

  (More Worsted weight)

 And some sock weight!

(And some more Sock weight!) 

I'm also going to be some plotting with this beautiful ball of Louet Sport... so lovely. It's less red in person, more purple loveliness.

Also, a swatch! I wish I could put dibs on this lace for ever and ever! I love it so much! Designing really heavily right now with it. Much love :) 
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