the last few days... in instagram photos

Sunday, 22 July 2012

 I apologize for those instagram haters out there - but I have become completely obsessed with it. I am a visual person, and it's like facebook but for visual people. I'd much rather see photographs of what you're doing than have you status update about it (there are exceptions of course, because I still totally use facebook) anyway. I spend quite a bit of time taking instagram photographs now. Especially this week, because my camera is away being repaired /grumble.

My sock is coming along! I really liked knitting the heel flap.

 I finished the heel flap! Picked up the gusset stitches and right now I'm reducing for some reason :)

Yesterday I put on my ass-kicking boots and knit/protested for reproductive rights!
On friday I got to use my old spinning wheel to spin some lovely merino. I'm still not the best spinner, and it's been so long since I did it that I'm a little rusty. I love the finished product though! I love slubby yarn, good thing I can't spin anything else:)

After spinning the wool I went and "borrowed" the spinning wheel from the Purple Thistle centre. No one uses it right now anyway. Here's a photo of me temporarily liberating it from the centre :)

I also started planning on doing some street art. Nothing terribly illegal, just some wheat pasted fat bodies with lovely captions. See finished example under this caption.
All bodies are good bodies! Trans bodies! Bodies that use mobility aids! Queer bodies! Bodies that hurt! Fat bodies! Skinny bodies! Heavily tattooed and pierced bodies! I love 'em all!

Cold Spring! Nicola's first published pattern

Thursday, 19 July 2012
Nicola published her first pattern! I took the photos! Lovely! 

Pattern can be found here

Nicola actually taught me how to knit several years ago, so it's cool that she's publishing patterns now! 

Something I swore I'd never do again.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012
I'm knitting a pair of socks on 2mm needles. 

It's a mystery skien of yarn that I found in my stash with no tag. I suspect it's Sweet Georgia tough love sock... but I cant be sure! 

Right before I took this a cool young person came up and chatted with me about knitting. They were a rad kid! 

When I saw the Yarn Harlot at VPL she talked about how it took her about 16 hours to knit a pair of socks... I am at about sixteen hours and I'm just barely done the cuff! I'm usually an incredibly quick knitter (I once finished a sweater for me, a large person, in four days) so it's a bit odd to have something take so long! 

They're really the smallest stitches ever! 

Yarn Harlot at the Vancouver Public Library

Thursday, 12 July 2012
Last night I was so lucky to be able to get in to see Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (the Yarn Harlot!) speak live at the Vancouver Public Library! She did a talk called "this is your brain on knitting". A hilarious, incredibly knowledgeable talk about stress, knitting, and some of the physiological/psychological responses to knitting. It blew my mind, I laughed and I cried too, quite a bit actually. 

A big chunk of the Baaad Anna's crew were there, and we all got our photo taken with Stephanie. I didn't own any of her books when I met her, but I can guarantee you this: I am going to get them all and read the hell out of them. So lovely. Such a great event. 

Thanks so much to Knit Social for putting this event on! 

Pretty photos of knitted things!

Sunday, 8 July 2012
Today I took a bunch of photos of Nicola and her lovely knitted objects! 

Photographing your knitting class!

Sunday, 8 July 2012
Hey folks! 

I taught a class yesterday at Baaad Anna's about how to photograph your finished objects! It went amazingly, here are some of the shots I took! 

Caitlin, modelling some hand knit socks from one of the folks who took the class.

More socks!

Some lovely knitted iphone cases! 

Caitlin modelling a lovely hand knit hat!

One of Caitlin's knitted shawls! 
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