Fresh off the needles!

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Today (and yesterday evening) I knit the Bandana Cowl by Purl Soho

Quick and easy! And it only used one (and a bit) balls of my Noro Retro that I've had for ages (of which I have 2 balls and a bit left) 

Now it's blocking out in the bathroom. Lovely. 

No-pattern toe-up chunky weight socks.

Monday, 28 May 2012
I measure the width of the top of the front of my foot. Then I figure out how many stitches to cast on using a provisional cast on method. I do a toe with wrap and turns, figuring out as I go how many I need. I try them on as I'm doing it (these ones were actually for a friend, so I found the measurements of her size feet online and just measured). I don't count rows or stitches. Then I just knit a tube until I need to turn the heel. I should be knitting these two at a time, then they would be the ultimate socks, but I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet... maybe next pair. 

I like toe-up socks because I am lazy, I like to try things on as I go, and like to get all the important things done first (toe, heel) so I can just go go go and don't have to worry about running out of yarn. 

My tip about yarn: if you're learning use BIG YARN. Worsted, or aran, or even chunky (like these ones). They make big socks, but they also won't take you absolutely forever (I knit one of these socks over a 24 hour period). Always have nylon included. These were a wool/acrylic/nylon blend that works great for beginner socks. 

I learned how to knit socks from Very Pink on Youtube. Her tutorial on toe-up socks rocked mine right off! 

I finished the wurm!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Oh yeah. All finished. Quite lovely. I think this might be the only
hat that I've ever really liked on me. 

Here's me apologizing again for the crappy iphone photos. 

Lovely summer's day photograph!

Monday, 14 May 2012
Meet Heather, she is also a knitter who is on a knitting break. She makes fancy organic face creams and scrubs and she is also a library worker, like me! Lately we have been cooking a lot together. Today I took  photos of her face. Here is one of my favourites! 

Hat o' Wurm

Saturday, 12 May 2012
A photo for all. Can you believe I took this with my iPhone? 

More late updates

Saturday, 12 May 2012
Things have been happening! 

Caitlin published THREE new patterns! And one of them is even out of that Malabrigo Rastita we were all talking about a couple months ago. Pretty exciting. I took the photos for them, and that was fun! Check that shit out. 

More things have been happening, mostly not knit related though. 

I got my septum pierced! And here's a crappy iphone photo to prove it! 

I'm not sure what I think of it, I guess I'm worried what people will think of me, especially the little old ladies and young folks that I work with. I especially especially don't want it to scare away the people I love. I hope it doesn't. Anyway, I guess that's a bit of my self-exploration stuff. Typical twenties stuff. 

Knitting related:

I am still working on the weird mohair tube cowl thing. I've introduced another colour (black) to my existing one (mustard) and now it looks like a charlie brown mohair cowl. Which I find pretty confusing, and not really as charming as I thought it would be. Will post photos soon of the crazy thing.

I'm also working on the Wurm hat. I'm using Berroco Vintage DK that I had left over from when I was working at Gina Brown's yarn. I've been doing A LOT of stash busting projects, I am broke beyond comfort right now, so sadly, I haven't been able to really buy any inspiring yarns 'n' such. I have quite a stash though, so I should be good! 

Maybe I'll write a post about how to live cheaply in Vancouver. I've mastered it: don't eat or do anything fun, and don't buy yarn or coffee. 

Oh man, huge bummer! 

But I'll leave you on a happy note, a friend just invited me over for gluten-free french toast with strawberry mango on top. I'm a happy lady right now I tell you what! 

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