I'm working on something new!

Monday, 27 February 2012
It's a crescent shawl... we'll see if I like it when it's done. 

I wouldn't be surprised if I rip it out a couple of more times!

First yarn then a bunch of pictures of my face.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

88 Stitches had a sale today and I got two ball of Sweet Fiber worsted and two sets of blocking pins for under $40. This wool is epic and I love it and normally it would have been $27 dollars each skein before tax. Their sale was really cool. You chose your yarn and then when you're paying for it you get to reach into a bag to see what your discount will be. Mine was 40% off! 

I almost didn't make it out to this because I am sick and was planning on lazing around the house today. But I'm glad I remembered and decided to go out! Even if it was a forty minute drive. 

Here is one of the balls. Lovely cranberry colour. Planning on knitting a lovely big shawl out of them.


I have been having hair problems. 

First this happened. And I was pretty happy about it (Cody is modelling a black hat I knit for him)

but then... this happened (roots) and I was less enthusiastic. In this photo the roots are less of a problem... but a couple weeks after they were starting to get a bit intense. When I tied my hair back you couldn't really tell it was blonde. 

Then this happened! I thought I looked a bit like a unicorn... someone said pegasus and someone else said my little pony. Anyway, everyone agreed that it was purple. 

And then last night I get all arrogant, and I'm like "I want to have black hair" so Cody, my lovely husband-like person helped me dye it "black". This is how it turned out. 


So here I am now. Blue hair. My scalp is angry at me (itchy and allergic to the dyes). More blue hair. 

I went and bought a burgundy semi-permanent hair dye, which I tested on a chunk of my hair, it turned out closer to the colour I wanted, but now I am distraught. I don't know how much more hair dying one person can do without having their scalp decide to move out. 

I also tried this weird stuff called "One and Only Colour Fix" which has no bleach or ammonia or floride or any whitening thing in it...  and it turned a little patch of my hair bright blonde. Which totally weirded me out (as you can see in the picture)

Anyway, I'm probably going to have three or four more hair colours before I find one that I truly like and my scalp will never forgive me. 


Wednesday, 22 February 2012
I've been thinking about volunteering at the local rescues to take photos of the dogs-in-need. Maybe I'll take up pet photography as a new hobby!

Here's a photograph I took of Treble. She is a fluffy ball of lovely.

I was snooping around the web and found a really amazing pet photographer based out of Toronto. I'm going to be snooping their stuff to get ideas! Their edit jobs are fucking beautiful. I'm very jealous of their skill! 

loss of knit-spiration.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012
I feel like recently I have lost my inspiration to knit. It hasn't happened before and I find it pretty scary. I did the summer flies shawl that I posted about last week to try and cheer me up - but it didn't really impassion me. What I really want to do is learn how to put lace charts into shawls and design fancy lace shawls, but I've found charting and lace-work to be a quite difficult thing to do and design. I'm hoping a class will pop up or someone could teach me their secrets to lace shawls... I have knit many complicated lace projects with little to no problem - but the concept of designing it and making it work seems to be above me. For now at least. 

Anyway, knitting drama aside, I decided to knit a wall-hanging thing out of a ball of Malabrigo sock (and tiny 2mm needles) that I have had for literally ever. This is probably my favourite Malabrigo colourway, Archangel.

The photo which colours are truest to life are in the first shot of it on the swift. The other one had all the red and sunlight in it and my camera just freaked out not knowing what to do.

This one has the truest colour of the two photos.
All balled up and ready to knit!
Babe's helping by enjoying the sunlight. 

I assisted at a photo shoot with Hanger's Jeans today!

Sunday, 19 February 2012
One of the things was help out my friend Elizabeth (who is also my partner's sister and also my Pilates instructor!) over at Hanger's Jeans with doing a spring photo shoot with some of her lovely staff. I gave a quick studio-photography lesson-like thing to their lovely photographer and she was off! Shooting all the cool new spring styles! Here's one of the shots that I love!

If you live in Vancouver check out Hanger's Jeans! They're located in Park Royal mall! 

Oh what was that? Another Summer flies shawl?

Thursday, 16 February 2012
I have knit eight or so of these. This might even be the ninth! Holy crow!

Pugs happen

Thursday, 16 February 2012
So it's decided. I am going to adopt a pug at some point in the near future. 

Excited! I'm going to be knitting all the doggie sweaters! 

Photo stolen unabashedly from the internet

Oh and as a side note... I applied to do a workshop for Knit City! I'll keep you posted if I actually get accepted! 

I blocked it and now the cat is wearing it

Tuesday, 14 February 2012
My tiny kitty shawl!

Knit City class concept?

Monday, 13 February 2012
I am trying to get the courage up to teach a class at Knit City!!

I have a concept. Tiny triangle shawl knitting. Because we will only have a limited amount of time - we could teach you all of the techniques needed to produce your very own triangle shawl! They would basically be like tiny little Sunlight Shawls. Here I have a photo of a prototype to help my explanation along...  

Fun times! Now all I need to do is grow some courage and do it! 

Caitlin's new Lovely Legwarmer patten!

Monday, 13 February 2012
Free pattern! ! Such a cute thing. For when you want boot socks but don't feel like turning heels :) 

Once again, her blog is lovely! Check it out!


Sunday, 12 February 2012
My new pattern made it to the top of "hot right now" today on ravelry.com! 

All of my other pattens are up there on hot right now too, My Sunlight Shawl is even on page 5! I guess people are checking out my design page. Makes me so happy! 

New pattern! The Lace Mess Shawl

Saturday, 11 February 2012
It's all published and ready to be knit! Please let me know if you see anything wonky with the pattern. Send me a message on ravelry!

Now I get to spend all day hitting "refresh" on my ravelry page to see how many favourites I get. FUN. 

Pattern can be found here!

I have half-knit quite a bit!

Friday, 10 February 2012

This post is inspired by this comic by Natalie Dee!!

My half knitted knitting things! Things that I will probably never finish! I wish giving someone half of a project was a socially acceptable thing. "Here, I knit you one sock! I wrote the pattern down! You get to finish the other one!" But noooooo that ain't what people want. 

Big ol' cowl

Saturday, 4 February 2012
I won a cowl at a silent auction. Caitlin knit it! I love it! 

I look a bit psychotic though... crazy eyes. Ohlala. 

I had forgotten this blog existed.

Friday, 3 February 2012
Before I was a knitter, I was a seamstress... sort of. I made sock monsters. Before I had this blog (several years before in fact... I was 19 back then) I had another blog. Here it is!

This one was my most popular one: The Emo monster (or just Emo as he liked to be called... he thought he was like the angsty version of Elmo). He had embroidered self-harm marks and embroidered X "tattoos" with long side-swept bangs. Anyway, blast from the past. I might take this up again! I had forgotten I used to love making these little 

Things that are in my house.

Friday, 3 February 2012

This is some of the yarn!

Here's even some more yarn!
Here's where I sleep, and some buntings that I knit!

Here are even more buntings! These ones are made from Hexipuffs  used in the Beekeeper's quilt. I just couldn't commit one a day for a year, so I made a bunting instead!
All of my circular needles. I just made a library catalog of them all on my computer so if  anyone borrows them I'll know where they are (I have lost many a pair of addis to my generosity)

I don't like traditional forms of artwork in my house (other than photographs) so I just got Cody to bang a few nails into the wall and I drape my shawls and knitted things off of them. An ever-changing art piece! 

Babe can't help but sit on my pattern notes while I'm knitting. Here she indulges herself on my Juneberry Triangle pattern. I used to fight with her about it, but she is so stubborn. She would get very angry at me when I kicked her off of them, and she would hold a very scratchy grudge. It just wasn't worth it. 

A pattern I wrote that I am less than in love with. So it will probably never get published.  Made out of Baby Alpaca Sport (which is actually a chunky weight yarn). The Snowstorm Shawl.  
My dye stuffs. I swapped from natural to acid dyes recently - so these are sort of left over.  (That's a lovely photo underneath from Aly D) 

Sweater urges

Thursday, 2 February 2012
I'm getting that sweater urge again. I have three possibilites in mind... 

Estelle, I would knit it out of Galway heathers... a brown-y red-y heather.


Georgia, I have knit this pattern before and it turned out waaaay too huge. So I ripped it out, I still have all the yarn (Malabrigo sock ochre) and I think I might have the patience to try and knit it again. This time in a smaller size. 


I probably won't knit this one. I don't like the way the sleeves are done... at least I don't think I'll like it. But it's a nice lace pattern, and the shortness of it is appealing... less knitting.


Dear high contrast black & white photographs...

Wednesday, 1 February 2012
... you are my favourite kind of photographs. 

Caitlin, modelling her new leg warmer pattern (coming soon) 

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