Bring out the crappy iphone photos!!

Saturday, 31 December 2011
The Berroco Vintage top down raglan sweater!

I used the Knitting Fool's Top-down sweater generator to make this pattern up. The neckline is a little lame with no shaping or anything - but Cody literally wears this sweater all day long every day so he's not complaining. I loves me some Berroco Vintage!

That is a sexy man right there. Nice sweater too.

...sorry for the lapse in posting

Saturday, 31 December 2011
Here, I'll do a tiny update on what I'm knitting right now!

I started a sweater for myself out of Madeline Tosh DK. I'm using Cecily Glowik MacDonald's Goodale  pattern. Which is nice - although I only bought four skeins (about 900 yards) and I'm doing the 49ish inch version - so it's probably going to be quite short. Oh well. I love the yarn so much I almost threw up when I saw it.

Also, here is the darkest/least attractive photo of it that I possibly could have taken. You're welcome.

It's a top-down pattern - which I appreciate quite a bit. I'm not especially fond of the weird knit-in-pieces methods. Or the bottom up ones. I like to try my stuff on while I'm making it. It makes it an interactive process - maybe one day I'll post all the photos I took of Cody wearing his Berroco Vintage sweater in various stages of knitted. (Maybe I'll do that right now actually...They are also all crappy iphone photos - so there.)

I had to step down a WHOLE needle size. From the recommended 4.5mm to 3.5mm Three gauge swatches later I was pretty pissed. I hate swatching. I can only hope that this thing turns out better than the last sweater I tried to knit myself... I might post photos of that mess later too... as a warning for those arrogant non-swatchers.

Anyway, I'm back to posting! Christmas didn't kill me this year!

A Blanket For Seriously Cold People pattern

Monday, 12 December 2011

The 1-Ball-of-Rasta Versison of The Triangle Cowl

Monday, 12 December 2011

Monday, 12 December 2011

Caitlin knit The Triangle Shawl out of one ball of malabigo rios! She used 5.5mm needles and cast on less stitches! The knit is a lot looser and holy but the overall effect is pretty neat. A cheaper, quicker-to-knit version of the shawl 

I just liked this photo. Caitlin is crocheting 50 gram chains of unspun fibre at Baaad Anna's yarn store.

A blanket for seriously cold people

Saturday, 3 December 2011
It's published! A massive blanket made out of massive yarn made for seriously cold people.

Free pattern found here

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